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Transform Your Mind Transform Your Life with Neuro Horizons

Brain with electrical neurons firing

Neuro Horizons offers groundbreaking

NeurOptimal® Brain Training

in Kent, UK

A non-invasive, medication free, approach to optimising your brain function for MANY reported benefits, suitable for ALL AGES, including:

  •    enhanced quality of SLEEP

  •    reduced ANXIETY and DEPRESSION

  •    improved FOCUS and COGNITION


*First Session FREE!*
With MILLIONS of hours of use WORLDWIDE
NeurOptimal® is a
SAFE, TIME-TESTED & EFFECTIVE brain training system
Happy student with learning materials

I would totally recommend this training, even as young as 3 as it really works"

It rapidly began to help enhance my sleep quality"

It significantly reduced my levels of anxiety and I was able to focus and learn again in class"

How can Neuro Horizons help you?



NeurOptimal® promotes deep regulation and relaxation of the central nervous system, making it easier to fall asleep and enhance quality of sleep (reduced restlessness and more restorative 'deep/REM').​ Users report a reduction in many sleep related issues, including:  ❌ Insomnia  ❌ Chronic snoring  ❌ Teeth grinding  ❌ Restless legs syndrome  ❌ Nightmares  ❌ Night terrors  ❌ Sleep apnoea ❌ Low energy ❌ Brain fog ❌ Mood issues



NeurOptimal® engages the brain's innate ability to self-correct and optimise RESILIENCE and FLEXIBILITY, which enables us to adapt and bounce back more easily from life's challenges! Signs you may be suffering from CHRONIC STRESS or ANXIETY: ❌Feeling 'on edge' ❌Overwhelmed ❌Mood swings or irritability ❌Head & muscle aches ❌Poor focus ❌Nail biting ❌Skin picking ❌Teeth grinding ❌Disordered eating habits ❌Negative thinking   ❌Excessive worry ❌Phobias (eg social) ❌Anxiety sweating ❌Irritable bowel syndrome ❌Sleep problems ❌Dysfunctional perfectionism ❌Panic attacks ❌Vertigo



NeurOptimal® can help process and release ‘stuck’ unprocessed trauma by 'speaking to' the deeper unconscious areas of the brain which store trauma memories (often inaccessible by talk therapy or self-help, alone). Users report a significant reduction in many of the following symptoms: ❌ Hypervigilance ❌ Anxiety/panic attacks ❌ Overwhelming emotions ❌ Poor immune system ❌ Unexplained physical pain ❌ Nightmares or flashbacks ❌ Self destructive habits ❌ Self-harm ❌ Addictions (eg alcohol) ❌ Severe depression ❌ Postnatal depression ❌ Suicidality ❌ Physical reactions to trauma memories: nausea, headaches, high heart rate, sweating



NeurOptimal® can help school children and adults struggling with focus and learning difficulties, and also those doing well and wishing to excel and achieve optimally in high stakes environments. Many users report improvements in mental acuity and emotional resilience, and a more positive ‘can-do’ attitude with ‘GROWTH MINDSET’. Users report a reduction in the following: ❌ Poor focus ❌ Distractibility ❌ Poor cognitive function ❌ 'Brain fog' ❌ ‘Fixed mindset’ attitude ❌ Low mental flexibility ❌ School or social anxiety ❌ Performance anxiety ❌ Neurodivergent difficulties

How Neuro Horizons can help optimise academic and job performance

NeurOptimal® can unlock anyone's potential for peak performance and to thrive!


Enhanced SLEEP, MOOD





Improved FOCUS,



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Greater 'can-do' attitude






One Tool +
One Dynamical Approach 
= Many Benefits

At Neuro Horizons, we are Certified Advanced to deliver state-of-the-art NeurOptimal® Brain Training, developed in Canada by Zengar Institute Inc.

NeurOptimal® engages our brain’s inherent ability to dynamically self-optimise, meeting our unique individual needs, improving the functioning of the WHOLE BRAIN enhancing ALL AREAS

of central nervous system

health and well-being.

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About me
ADVANCED trainer STAMP on_dark.png

"NeurOptimal® has been a life changing tool for my family and me. We were very lucky to have found it when we needed it most. Raising awareness of this incredible tech is now my life passion - I hope to help reduce suffering for others, until one day I hope it is readily available on the NHS.

I believe everyone deserves access to this potentially life changing tool and the vast possibilities for recovery from many issues unsolved by medicine or therapy alone, plus all the benefits functioning optimally brings!"


Founder of Neuro Horizons & Certified Advanced NeurOptimal® Trainer​ 

About the Technology:
NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback®
Harnessing the 'unconscious wisdom' within our own brain using cutting edge 'real time' neurofeedback

NeurOptimal® Dynamical Neurofeedback® is the latest generation in neurofeedback  technology, which simply repeats these 3 steps at 'millisecond speed':

  1. Reads your WHOLE BRAIN activity 

  2. Identifies instabilities in activity potentially undermining optimal functioning

  3. In real time, feeds the information back to the brain via sound interruptions


The feedback allows the brain to decide IF and HOW it may adjust to those potentially inefficient processes at the earliest preconscious moment (before an automatic pattern of behaviour is able to gain momentum and cascade into a potentially negative spiral of 'consciously uncomfortable' events).

No Diagnosis Required.

No Treatment Protocols Set.

NeurOptimal® Simply Trains The WHOLE BRAIN To Function Optimally.

Natural & Medication Free

100% Safe For All

Effortless & Relaxing

Advanced Tech

How NeurOptimal® works

EEG sensors simply read your brainwaves

*no electricity, vibration or external signal is passed back to the brain* 


NeurOptimal® software then uses algorithms to analyse your brain’s data, looking for instabilities which may indicate sub-optimal functioning.


When instabilities in your electrical activity are detected, NeurOptimal® provides your brain with feedback, via sound interruptions in music. These interruptions provide an auditory alert to the brain, in effect asking it

“hey, are you sure that’s what you want to do?”

Your brain 'sees its behaviour' and adjusts if it deems the detected pathway as unhelpful or inefficient.


NeurOptimal® repeats the process of

Read-Analyse-Feedback at the 

rapid rate of 256 times per second, continuously for 33 minutes.

Over time, your brain regulates itself, releasing unhelpful automatic behaviour patterns and the self-correction process becomes your new normal.


The result is your brain functions more efficiently, effectively and comfortably.

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What happens in a session?
  • You will sit in a comfortable reclining sofa and relax in a home-based space designed to optimise your experience.

  • Two small sensors are applied to your scalp and earclips to your ears, using a conductive paste.

  • The sensors allow NeurOptimal® to read the delicate electrical activity of your brain. 

  • You will listen to music for 33 minutes and watch an ever-changing visual display, although you can close your eyes and chill out if you prefer.  

  • Children sometimes like to play a quiet game, draw, read or do homework.

  • Brief pauses in the music indicate NeurOptimal® is at work, providing feedback to your unconscious brain.

  • No 'conscious effort' is required from you during sessions at all - you can even sleep!


See how we have helped others...

Andrea, age 74

“I was able to stop my dependence on sleep medication ...and I no longer feel controlled by my traumatic past - I can now recall old memories without feeling flushed with intense fear and anxiety!

Georgia, age 7

"Neuroptimal helped Georgia suffering from anxiety
...she no longer has nightmares or fears going to sleep.
Since she started training bedwetting has stopped"

Antonia, age 17

I can honestly say that its benefits have been astonishing.
It rapidly began to help enhance my sleep quality...
The vertigo episodes almost completely disappeared”

Leo, age 3

“he is less boisterous and can actually sit still in one place and concentrate for longer periods... 
It has also helped reduce his separation anxiety"

Eva, age 15

"It significantly reduced my levels of anxiety and I was able to focus and learn again in class.
I also felt a real boost in my social confidence as a result of the brain training"

Kele, age 41

“It makes problems easier to deal with and clearer to see.
At times it has helped reduce anxiety of starting a new job.
I have found it especially useful during stressful periods of my life.”
Talking on phones
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me...
or, go ahead and book your first FREE session online here...
Neuro Horizons Ltd Logo

Kingsdown, The Street

Plaxtol, Sevenoaks

Kent, TN15 0QL


Tel: 07708 142 456 (Liza)

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9.30am - 7.30pm

Tues, Thurs: 9.30am - 6.30pm

(by appointment only)

Thanks for submitting!

© 2024 by Neuro Horizons Ltd

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