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12 Practical tips for optimising your brain training progress

Being mindful of your brain health needs will maximise your progress when you train with NeurOptimal® 

Image by Rod Long

1. Limit your intake of sugar and highly processed foods*

to minimise brain inflammation

Image by Bruno Nascimento

4. Exercise regularly to reduce stress and to increase brain blood flow

(which supports deep sleep)

Woman Having Yogurt

7. Try adding probiotics to your diet for optimal

Gut-Brain axis health

Embracing on a Bench

10. Make time to maintain meaningful and positive relationships.

Our brains actually need regular connection for optimal functioning!

Image by Kevin Kelly

2. Limit alcohol intake*

to support neurogenesis (the growth and development of new neurons).

Avoid binge drinking which impacts long-term brain health.

Vegas Scream

5. Try to reduce known stress triggers in your life

Image by CA Creative

8. Ensure you include Omega 3 foods, (or high quality supplements), in your diet

for optimal brain health

Public Park

11. Spend time outside, and with nature and animals, to reduce stress, and gain Vitamin D from sunlight to support cognitive function.

Image by Kate Stone Matheson

3. Make efforts to practise good sleep hygiene & regulate your body clock (top tip: wake at the same time every day, even on weekends)


6. Limit caffeine intake and avoid after midday,

for body clock regulation and optimal sleep health

Toddler with Mobile Phone

9. Limit screen time, particularly for children*, which inhibits healthy brain development during critical formative years

Image by Motoki Tonn

12. Practise deep breathing through the nose, and avoid mouth breathing, to maximise oxygen flow to the brain, particularly during sleep.

*Please note, if you are experiencing difficulty with any addictions, such as sugar, alcohol, drugs, or screens, please do not feel discouraged to try NeurOptimal®.  In fact, the training itself is likely to reduce the intensity of those urges over time (as a result of calming the nervous system and reducing the need to self-soothe), which should enable you to benefit optimally from the training.

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Kingsdown, The Street

Plaxtol, Sevenoaks

Kent, TN15 0QL


Tel: 07708 142 456 (Liza)

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9.30am - 7.30pm

Tues, Thurs: 9.30am - 6.30pm

(by appointment only)

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