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Andrea, age 74

"I suffered from depression for many years which was linked to trauma in my younger years. I used to struggle with negative thinking and overreactions which compounded my stress levels. I had been using medication to cope for over 13 years, but felt like I wanted to try a different approach which didn’t simply numb or mask the symptoms.  Very soon after beginning brain training I noticed my sleep improve and I was delighted to be able to stop my dependence on sleep medication.  Over the course of my brain training, my depression and mood swings subsided, and I no longer feel controlled by my traumatic past - I can now recall old memories without feeling flushed with intense fear and anxiety! I’m so happy I finally feel free of my past! I healed from deeply rooted trauma with ease. Amazed. Day to day, I worry much less and feel much calmer and more positive about life than ever.  I never thought that this level of healing was possible, especially at my age!"​​

"Neuroptimal helped Georgia suffering from anxiety, part of this was her fear of going to sleep and the nightmares she had when she was asleep. NO helped with this and she no longer has nightmares or fears going to sleep, she is actually happy going to sleep on her own.
Another issue she had was bedwetting still on quite regular occasions, since she started training bedwetting has stopped and she no longer has this issue at all. She also would wake up a lot in the night and now this is far less, often sleeping through the night.
Georgia has also had sensory issues with certain clothes for example socks or tights with seams, after starting NO this has also got a lot better with her now willing to wear tights and socks with seams, which makes mornings a lot easier !!!
I couldn’t be more happy with the results from NO and I feel that it has changed my daughter’s life and habits, so much for the better."

Georgia, age 7

Antonia, age 17

"I am so grateful for receiving a course of neurofeedback when nothing else was helping me.  I was feeling very overwhelmed by academic studies and started to struggle with my sleep quality, fatigue and concentration. My studying stopped being effective due to my struggles with focus which further compounded my work related anxieties.  Despite this, I soldiered on in this vicious cycle, until I eventually developed sudden onset vertigo symptoms. At this point, I was neither able to study nor rest due to persistent dizziness, and I was at a loss.  I could see that a lot of this had been brought about by chronic anxiety, so I turned to neurofeedback in an attempt to regulate my approach to pressure and stress. 

When I embarked on neurofeedback, I did not have high expectations.  However, one year on, I can honestly say that its benefits have been astonishing.  It rapidly began to help enhance my sleep quality.  More refreshing sleep quality in turn enhanced my work efficacy and lowered my anxiety levels as I began to see how much more efficient I was becoming.  The vertigo episodes almost completely disappeared during training which was very reassuring and confirmed to me that these symptoms had also been exacerbated by stress.

I would like to continue receiving neurofeedback intermittently if possible, as I genuinely feel that it helps me maintain the benefits to my wellbeing and has helped me to develop a healthy approach to the stresses of day to day life.

If you are reading this wondering whether to give this a go, I would encourage you to give it a try.  I had my doubts too at the start but I would now strongly recommend it to others.  Hopefully it will help you just as it has helped me."​

"Leo suffered with separation anxiety and could only focus for a very short amount of time, often finding it difficult to sit still.  We started off with the shorter sessions of NO with him building up to the recommended time. He will now sit through it and play whilst having it done. I can see a big improvement in his behaviour afterwards, he is less boisterous and can actually sit still in one place and concentrate for longer periods of time.
It has also helped reduce his separation anxiety from me and also his sleeping at night. He gets less anxious at bedtime and calms and goes to sleep a lot easier than he did prior to receiving NO. I would totally recommend this training, even as young as 3 as it really works."

Leo, age 3

Eva, age 15

"I suffered from social anxiety in school which had developed since Covid lockdown. Class anxiety and panic attacks became a huge barrier to being able to attend or focus and learn so my confidence hit rock bottom during Years 9 and 10. I began NeurOptimal training during Year 11 and found that it significantly reduced my levels of anxiety and I was able to focus and learn again in class. I was able to study more effectively and this lifted my motivation so I was eventually able to catch up in most subjects by the time of my exams, and ultimately exceeded my predicted grades in my GCSEs. I also felt a real boost in my social confidence as a result of the brain training, and so I'm feeling much more confident in social situations now"

"I really enjoy my sessions of NO. I have such a busy life with a busy full time job, often working over 60 hours a week, and parent to two small children.
NO helps me to relax and recuperate to be able to face the challenges of a busy life. It makes problems easier to deal with and clearer to see. At times it has helped reduce anxiety of starting a new job and has also helped me with getting off to sleep. I have found it especially useful during stressful periods of my life. 
I would totally recommend NO as it has made such a difference to me and helped me deal with a busy life and day to day situations. Thank you so much Liza"

Kele, age 41

Neuro Horizons Ltd Logo

Kingsdown, The Street

Plaxtol, Sevenoaks

Kent, TN15 0QL


Tel: 07708 142 456 (Liza)

Mon, Wed, Fri: 9.30am - 7.30pm

Tues, Thurs: 9.30am - 6.30pm

(by appointment only)

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